Welcome to Hubei Xingfu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.!

Customer Service Consultation:0711-5115017

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  • Picking place:Strawberry farm
  • Picking method:

    When it begins to mature, it is generally harvested every two days, to the concentrated maturity period, once a day, so that the harvest period of such a variety lasts for more than half a month. It should be noted that the mature fruit should be harvested at all times. Sun-dried berries, dew-free or berry-picking berries are very perishable, so the day should be harvested when the dew has dried until the midday heat or the afternoon is cooler.

  • Precautions:

    When harvesting, it should be handled with care. Use your fingers to cut off the fruit handle and remove it. Avoid hard and hard pull, do not damage the flower buds, and do not hurt the fruit. At the same time, it will not meet the quality requirements of the pests and diseases, deformed fruit, Small fruits and the like are placed and processed separately. In order to ensure the quality of harvesting, it can be used in newspaper bags, cartons, plastic boxes, fruit bowls, harvesting racks, etc., with a capacity of about 0.5 kg, and then put into larger boxes such as boxes or plastic boxes, but the level of placement should be Less, it is advisable not to squeeze each other.

Phone:0711-5115017E-mail:wyh@hbxingfu.cnAddress:Group 2, Zhuangwu Village, Huarong District, Ezhou City, Hubei Province

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